Buone prassi e percorsi sperimentali per la salute e sicurezza dei giovani e delle donne nelle piccole imprese artigiane: un nuovo modello di formazione e informazione dei lavoratori, alla luce dei nuovi rischi e del nuovo mercato del lavoro è un Progetto di Ricerca. n. 2040, finanziato dal Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali (D.D. 190/2011)


Coordinatore del progetto: Maria Giovannone


Michele Tiraboschi

About us:

ADAPT – Adapt is a non-profit organisation founded in 2000 by Professor Marco Biagi with the aim of promoting stud­ies and research in the field of labour law and industrial relations from an international and comparative per­spective. Our purpose is to encourage and implement a new approach to academic research, by establish­ing long-term relationships with other universities and advanced studies institutes, and promoting academic and scientific exchange programs with enterprises, in­stitutions, foundations and associations.

For these purposes, Adapt:

- promotes partnerships at a national and international level, creating a network of ongoing relations between organizations, research centres and Universities worldwide;

- collaborates with the “Marco Biagi” Centre for In­ternational and Comparative Studies at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia;

- promotes International Doctoral Schools and Programs, also in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Education, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the University of Bergamo and the Polytechnic of Bari;

- participates to several invitations to tender and to calls for proposals at the national and international level;

- performs advisory functions together with the Commission for Certification of labour contracts at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Visit the website here